An esteemed consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at The Wilmslow Hospital, specialising in a wide range of conditions, including menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation disorders, menstrual irregularities and premature ovarian insufficiency. She has been awarded a PhD for her research into endometrial cancer and published papers on menstrual disorders, endometrial polyps and fertility.
Should I worry about a painful bump on my vagina?
It’s always a bit worrying when something new or unusual appears in intimate areas but try not to panic. Painful bumps near your vagina or labia are common, and there could be a number of innocent causes, like a pimple, cyst or an ingrown hair, which can be caused by shaving. But if the bump and pain are there for more than a few days, it’s essential to see your doctor or a gynaecologist to get a proper diagnosis and some treatment if required.
My periods have become irregular, should I be concerned?
It’s not uncommon to notice changes in your menstrual cycle patterns, often this can be due to stress, certain medications and even excessive exercise. However, persistent irregularities may indicate a more serious underlying issue. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders or hormonal imbalances can affect you period, your reproductive health and your overall health and wellbeing. So, if you have noticed a change to your periods, particularly a lasting change, don’t delay in seeking advice from your GP or gynaecologist. They can help diagnose what’s causing this change and assess whether it’s something that needs treatment.
I’m bleeding between periods, should I be worried?
If you’re noticing unexpected bleeding when you’re not on your period, it can be a bit alarming. There are many reasons this might be happening, from hormonal changes and infections to more serious issues like polyps or cervical problems. The most important thing to do is see your doctor or gynaecologist right away. They’ll be able to do some tests, figure out what’s causing the bleeding, and help you get the right treatment.
If you need support with these conditions or have other health concerns, we’re here to help. Contact The Wilmslow Hospital: 0333 060 3706