Building An Online Content Portfolio: A Guide For Influencers

By Glossy Magazine

Building An Online Content Portfolio A Guide For Influencers

Building An Online Content Portfolio: A Guide For Influencers

Building An Online Content Portfolio A Guide For Influencers

A few years ago, the term influencer was just a word for someone who could sway others. It wasn’t commonly used, and it didn’t have the cult following it does today. 

Modern influencers have the power to make or break a brand, and can potentially earn hundreds of pounds per post

Influencers are a valuable asset to brands from across the corporate world, with a following of interested social media users. Some of the big names are in lifestyle sectors, such as home design and cosmetics, but there are influencers in almost every facet of the commercial landscape. 

Whether it’s electricians who share instructional videos that can influence viewers, to book reviewers whose readership is swayed by their opinions, influencers come in all shapes, sizes and sectors.

You don’t need to be a celebrity already to be an influencer and start making money from your digital persona. All you need is a strong following, a Hughesnet internet connection, and you can start marketing yourself to businesses and engaging in collaborations.

For those who aren’t already stars, or signed with an influencer agent, you’ll need a portfolio of work examples to show to potential sponsors. 

Like budding writers or graphic designers, many would-be influencers create a digital portfolio to showcase their skills. 

If you’re looking to make the most of your current social media following and start collaborating with lucrative and prestigious brands, here are some simple tips to get you started. 

Gather Your Best Examples

Ever seen an example folder and thought, blimey, those are bad? You don’t want that to happen to you, so pick out your best work. I know, I know- how obvious is this tip? You’d be surprised how many people are happy letting sub-par work slip in to fill up space and make it look like they’ve done more. Quality over quantity is a big help in these situations, as you never know what someone might open, and you don’t want them to see anything that could make them think you’re just churning out posts. Only share examples that reflect your best work and showcase what you can deliver. 

Create Fresh Content If Needed

In some cases, if you want to start working with clients in a specific niche but don’t have much content on that topic currently, or you want to highlight your range but haven’t been publishing much lately, you could create some fresh examples. Use the Adobe Express website for designing your online portfolio to help you ensure you work is easily accessible, and aesthetically pleasing. These pieces won’t necessarily need to be shared online with your followers, but could be a useful addition to your example deck to showcase your versatility and commitment to offering your potential brand partners the content they expect. 

Building A Portfolio As An Influencer: Next Steps 

Once you’ve built your portfolio, you can start to share it with potential collaborators and see if they’re interested in working with you. You can either reach out to brands in your niche cold, or build some relationships and then start to review their products and work with them. As influencer marketing has become more popular, it’s also been regulated more, so you should check the Advertising Standards Authority’s guidelines for influencers. As you share more sponsored posts, your earnings will grow, and you can use your online channels as a lucrative side hustle or, potentially, as your main source of income. Best of luck growing your following- remember, they’re the ones who matter most!

