Christmas Gifts for Someone Who Has It All

By Beverley Uddin Khandakar

Christmas Gifts for Someone Who Has It All. Luxury watch.

Christmas Gifts for Someone Who Has It All

Christmas Gifts for Someone Who Has It All. Luxury watch.

The festive season had already arrived with great expediency, as familiar cries rang out that the festive period was started by supermarket decorations and festive product designs all too soon. But the days and weeks have a habit of gathering pace after those first hints of Christmas festivity, and before you know it the final days before Christmas Eve are upon you!

The speed of the season has prompted many to plan their Christmas shopping that little bit earlier, buying and wrapping gifts well in time to avoid the madness of mid-December. Indeed, the joint CEO of Marks and Spencer was quoted as early as the beginning of November as suggesting that shoppers were generally planning ahead, on average having bought about a third of their Christmas presents already.

But everyone has that one person that defies all inspiration when it comes to Christmas gift shopping – the person for whom no gift seems quite apt: the person who has it all. They might be your partner, who, after years of harmonious living together, wants and needs for absolutely nothing. They might be your father, who has indulged every hobby in retirement and significantly reduced their gift potential in the process. What are some winning gift ideas for someone who has everything?


There are always ways in which you can express your love and gratitude to someone without having to lean into novelty or frivolity. Might they appreciate something wearable? Items of jewellery or other such accessories could be a great place to start, as a valuable item chosen for the style of the recipient. 

If your recipient is the professional type, a second-hand watch of supremely high quality could be just the ticket for demonstrating your love. Alternatively, a charm-based necklace could be a unique twist on a jewellery gift for a loved one. For the more practically-minded, clothing might be a better option; fresh gym-wear might be well-received by the more active of recipients, especially where they might save money on their own future upgrades.


Often it can be tempting to search for ways in which you can add to someone’s life through the giving of gifts – and, naturally, for someone who has everything this is a near-impossible task. Rather than attempting to gift new items, why not gift an upgrade to an existing item? A new item of kitchenware could replace an old one, and save them money while improving their kitchen in the process.


Lastly, not all gifts need to be tangible. Rather than adding more clutter to their (or indeed your) home, you could instead invest in an experience for them to enjoy. Experiences only add to the richness of the human experience, and do not run the risk of adding to already-crammed cupboards or drawers. If your loved one is an avid driver, they might appreciate a track day. Alternatively, if they paint, they might benefit from a day-long panting course with a local artist. 

