Manchester actress Chante Keegan, stars in Ringside tv series on Amazon Prime. We chat to her to learn more…
Hi Chante! Tell us about the series…
The Ringside TV series is based on a young boy named Chad. Chad has been raised by a negligent mother and he is kicked out of school. Chad becomes involved in crime. I play Ellie, who is Chad’s girlfriend in the series, who sees the consequences of Chad’s involvement with crime. The Amazon Prime series outlines knife crime issues young people face every day.
When did you start acting? Was it always your passion?
I started acting at the age of 8. I started off in theatre and then moved into TV work. I was always a shy child so acting really brought me out of my shell and I was really enlightened by the creative world of acting. I knew it was something I wanted to always continue.
What other projects have you been seen in?
I starred in the pilot of another series called Ghetto Heaven where I play the role of Rose Amelia Johnson. That series is based in London so it was very exciting to be involved in.
What are your future plans?
My future plans are to put myself out there in the acting industry and carry it on into a career because it’s what I love to do.
What do you enjoy doing outside of acting?
Outside of acting I enjoy doing things such as shopping, dinner dates with my girls. Travelling is something at the top of my bucket list so I look forward to doing more of that!
The series is available in the UK, USA and Australia