Everyone’s metabolism is slightly different from the next. Depending on your genetics and often the luck of the draw, you might have a high metabolism at one point in your life and a low metabolism at another. Some might stay consistent when it comes to their metabolism rate. However, as we get older, our metabolism in general often slows down.
As a result of this metabolism slowing down, you’ll need to find ways in which you can pick it up wherever possible. By boosting your metabolism, you’re going to help burn more calories. With that in mind, here are several ways to boost your metabolism and burn more calories this year.
1. Try cold water therapy
Cold water therapy is a type of therapy that involves – you guessed it – cold water. Also referred to as cold hydrotherapy or cryotherapy, it’s the practice of exposing the body to cold water. This can include, cold showers, localized ice application and whole-body cryotherapy to name just a few.
There are some great benefits to cold water therapy, which is why so many find it to be a popular way to aid metabolism and burn more calories. Beyond helping with faster recovery and the ability to work sooner as a result, cold water therapy helps to:
- Improve circulation
- Reduce inflammation
- Improved mood
2. Do the right exercises
Exercise is important to focus your attention on when it comes to helping boost your metabolism. There are certain exercises and training that you can do in order to help boost your metabolism and burn calories. This can include high-interval training, otherwise known as HIIT training, weight training and strength training.
The more you mix up your exercise every week, the more you’ll likely find it benefits your metabolic rate as a result. Of course, you want to be doing exercise that you love, so make sure that you’re still enjoying the exercise you do when it comes to improving your metabolism.
3. Eat plenty of protein
Protein has long been used as a part of a fitness diet because it’s helpful in building and repairing muscle.
With protein, it benefits your metabolism as it increases the number of calories that your body burns. Protein can help you to feel full, which also is helpful with weight loss. As a result of feeling less hungry, you’re going to eat less and therefore reduce any weight gain.
Protein is helpful in other ways too, whether that’s helping to improve cardiovascular risk factors or preserving lean body mass.
If you’re looking to add protein to your meals, identify what food types contain protein and incorporate it into your meal plan throughout the week. There are plenty of snacks that you can enjoy too.
4. Add some spice to your diet
If you’re a fan of spicy food, then you’ll be pleased to know that spices like cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric all contain bioactive compounds that increase your metabolic rate. When it comes to weight loss and burning calories, having spicy food can be helpful to speed up your metabolism and help with any weight loss you’re trying to achieve.
Not everyone is a fan of spice though, which is why it’s worth building up your tolerance if you’re going to introduce it. Start off with smaller amounts as your body gets used to the space.
It’s also a good idea to try and mask the spice where you can so that it’s not so hot in your mouth. However, it still continues to warm your body and activate those compounds that increase your metabolic rate.
5. Eat smaller but more frequent meals
When it comes to boosting your metabolism, it’s a good idea to try and eat smaller but more frequent meals where possible.
The reason for this is that you’re not filling yourself up fully throughout the day and as a result, you’ll find your metabolism is burning calories more successfully. Don’t skip breakfast though as this is the most important meal of the day. After a good night’s sleep, your body is empty of fuel, so it needs breakfast in order to help stabilise your metabolic rate.
1. Get plenty of sleep
Sleep can do well to help with your metabolism and for burning calories even when you’re not doing anything.
Everyone should be getting at least seven hours of sleep per night but the reality of that is few and far between. The less sleep you get, the more harmful it can be for your health, so it’s important to try and get as much sleep as you physically can.
Think about how you could improve your quality of sleep, whether that’s investing in blackout blinds, playing white noise or going to bed earlier. You can also try and get in a little cat nap or two where it’s possible. Of course, getting more sleep isn’t always as easy as it sounds, especially when you have young children.
2. Drink caffeinated drinks
A good way of helping to boost your metabolism is by drinking caffeinated drinks. Caffeinated drinks are certainly helpful to have because they stimulate your central nervous system. As far as increasing your metabolism, it’s only going to work for a short amount of time, so you’ll want to take advantage of this perhaps before doing a workout.
Drinking caffeinated drinks will help burn more calories and fat by increasing your heart rate and energy expenditure. It signals your fat cells to break down fat, which hopefully should aid with any weight loss goals you have set for yourself.
Try not to have too many caffeinated drinks throughout the day though as this could impact long-term health problems and quality of sleep. You should stop drinking anything caffeinated by around midday to avoid it impacting your sleep in the evening.
Boosting your metabolism and burning calories is helpful for those looking to lose weight this year. Be sure to follow these tips to find success and hopefully lose weight so that you can feel better about yourself both on the inside and out.