How to Have a Sustainable Lunch

By Glossy Magazine

How to Have a Sustainable Lunch

How to Have a Sustainable Lunch

How to Have a Sustainable Lunch

Choosing to make a shift towards living more sustainably doesn’t have to break the bank for you, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. There are plenty of lifestyle changes that you can be making every single day to create a lot less waste, to use a lot less energy, and to keep your planet a greener place.

One of the biggest ways that you can do it is to have a sustainable lunch. If you’re taking lunch with you to work every day, ideally you’d have a lunch box that you reuse anyway, which means you’re already being sustainable. But there are other things that you could be using. For example, if you’re taking sandwiches to work with you, you could use printed greaseproof paper instead of plastic wrap. Preparing lunch every day saves you a lot of money, but it also helps you to be more nourished and it stops you from splurging on takeout. Here are some of the ways that you can be healthier and more sustainable with your lunch.

  1. Use reusables. The only time you should be using plastics for your lunch is when you have a lunch box that you reuse and wash every day. There can be a lot of waste involved, from plastic sandwich bags for carrots and celery to the brown bag that you pack it all up in. You want to make sure that you’re using less plastic where possible. So if you can, buy vegetables at the supermarket and.Them into a brown bag or take reusable bags with you that would help.

  1. Go for reusable food containers in everything. There are plenty of supermarkets out there that allow you to bring your own containers to fill them up. You can give new life to old jars and have your salads in your jars, and you can also use lunch boxes for hot meals. Any time you have a lunch box, make sure that you wash it sustainably and not use the dishwasher. And get creative about how you can use already purchased containers to pack your meals instead of having to use plastic throw away boxes that look like take out boxes. Use a reusable lunch box that’s in metal every time.

  1. Bring your own utensils. You don’t have to bring a plastic knife and fork wherever you go. You can bring your own utensils and bring them home with you again. Biodegradable utensils like bamboo are also a great idea if you don’t want to keep bringing home a knife and fork and washing them every day. Most people end up accidentally throwing them away or losing them in the bottom of their bag.

  1. Use a refillable water bottle. Avoiding single use cups can help you to have a more sustainable lunch. Bringing your own reusable bottle or coffee cup allows you to reuse it and fill it up over and over in the day. It’s also a great way to remind yourself to stay hydrated.

Image source: Pexels

