There’s quite a lot of trauma that comes after a car accident, both physically and mentally. A car accident, even when it’s not your fault, can be traumatic and damaging to your health. If you’ve experienced even a minor injury, the pain or the discomfort caused by it can make getting back into life quite difficult.
Most people have an accident, and they’ll shake it off after they’ve gone through the rigmarole of claiming on their insurance and going to the hospital. But what if your hospital trip lasts you a lot longer than you’d ever expect? More than that, what if your recovery lasts a lot longer than expected? Already gone through all the motions with the lawyer and spoken about the compensation calculator to help you figure out what settlement you’re waiting for. But recovering after a car accident isn’t just something that you do overnight.
Recovering after an accident can take some time and it’s very personal. And how long that time would be, It depends on the injury, the severity of the injury. So you could be looking at anything from a couple of weeks to a few months. There are other factors you have to consider for your recovery time too, such as what your health was like before the accident, your lifestyle and whether you have time to recover! So, let’s take a look at some of the tips that you need to help you to recover as quickly as possible after you’ve been in a wreck.
- Make sure that you consult with your doctor. Even beyond the hospital trip that you take after an accident. You need to talk to your doctor and follow their instructions to help you on your way back to health. You have to get referrals to any specialists who can treat your physical injuries, but you may also want a referral to a counselor. The mental impact of a wreck can be just as devastating as the physical impact. Specialist doctors can help to treat you and help you with your rehabilitation process, even on a mental level and not just a physical one.
- Utilise ice and heat. Even if you didn’t sustain any serious injuries, your muscles will feel it after you’ve had a car accident. The impact, the stress and the tension all club together. For you to feel tense and sore in the first three days after an accident and after you’ve been discharged from hospital with a cleaner health, you should make sure that you use both ice and heat to make your muscles feel more relaxed and comfortable. It will reduce swelling and inflammation and this is crucial to speed up that recovery time after a car crash.
- Go and see a physical therapist. A good way to recover after a car accident is to have a physical therapist on hand to help. They’ll be able to help you out with feeling healthy again. Your doctor is likely to refer you to one anyway because a physical therapist is going to give you a clean bill of health. Those PT appointments are also going to help with ongoing recovery, and you might need it for your insurance, especially if you’re claiming compensation for any tissue damage.
- Remedial massage can help. Beside the physical therapy, you can also try massage therapy and that effectively treats car accident victims. It can reduce any muscle spasms, especially those referred with whiplash, increase your blood flow and improve your range of motion. The best part is that a massage can also provide you with stress relief, and you probably will be in need of that.
- Make sure that you get as much rest as possible. It’s important that you take time off work to recover properly. When you’ve been in a car accident, resting is a vital part of the recovery process. If you’re not resting enough, your body’s not going to be able to heal and you’re not going to be able to push forward and go back to work again. Sleep can help you to regulate your hormones, reduce your stress levels and help you to reduce the inflammation in your body. It should be part of your recovery process.
Your body needs time for you to recover properly after a car accident. If you’re not giving yourself that time to recover, you may not be able to get through the recovery process as quickly as you’d like. Make sure that you speak to your doctor and stay on top of the treatment plan.