A Quick Primer on SEO: Key Elements You Should Know About to Improve Your Rankings

By Glossy Magazine

A Quick Primer on SEO: Key Elements You Should Know About to Improve Your Rankings

A Quick Primer on SEO: Key Elements You Should Know About to Improve Your Rankings

A Quick Primer on SEO: Key Elements You Should Know About to Improve Your Rankings

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) forever changed the way the internet functions, as it’s a key component for online marketing. It refers to the process of generating more traffic and improving rankings through search engines for a given web page, and if you have a business that operates online, it’s something you should be paying close attention to.

In this article, you’ll be introduced to the main strategies for improving your SEO, so that you can reap the benefits of more visibility for your brand.

The Importance of Keyword Research

Keywords are the most important element of SEO: they’re essentially the words or phrases you’ll be using that make it possible for people to find your content in the first place.

Keyword research involves identifying the phrases your audience is most likely to search for so that you can then use them in your content. The goal is that when someone searches for the product or service you provide, they’ll come across you first because your page or post has been optimised for them to find it.

Start building a list of as many keywords you think would be helpful, and then consider the following when you post content:


It’s key to ensure your primary keyword (the one you’ve determined to be most important) appears in the title. This can vastly improve click rates.

Header Tags

You should also make sure to implement keywords in any headers you have within a post. Remember not to oversaturate a header or title, though: make sure they read normally.

Body Content

Within the main body text of your content, you should pepper your relevant keywords throughout. It’s important to strike a balance between having enough and stuffing the text too full, as having too many keywords in your post can actually harm your rankings. With practice, though, this will become second nature.

Ways Other Than Keywords to Improve Your SEO Rankings

It’s not all about keywords, however. The big search engines like Google reward websites that are content-rich – those that appear to add value. Here are some important areas to focus on to help you stand out:

Use Multimedia

Avoid posting content that’s just a wall of text. Instead, use videos, infographics, images, and embedded content to garner more engagement.

Building Backlinks

A backlink is created when one website links to another. Including useful links to other websites can significantly improve your rankings, and increase the likelihood your own content will be shared.

Regularly Update Your Pages

What’s hot on the internet is constantly changing, so make sure you regularly update your pages with more relevant information or better layouts over time.

SEO Consultancy

SEO can be a minefield to tackle on your own, so it can be worthwhile to work with an SEO consultant to help you figure things out. Toni Marino SEO service, for example, can aid with marketing, training, and advertising to help get your online profile on track.

Wrapping Up

The world of SEO can be complex, but taking time to learn only the basics will put you in a much better position than most businesses. Even small tweaks to your content can make a huge difference, so start prioritising SEO now, and you’ll quickly realise what you’ve been missing out on.

Image Credit: Pexels

