How Attractive Is Your Home On A Scale Of 1 To 10?

By Glossy Magazine

How Attractive Is Your Home On A Scale Of 1 To 10?

How Attractive Is Your Home On A Scale Of 1 To 10?

How Attractive Is Your Home On A Scale Of 1 To 10?

Everyone wants to live in attractive homes. But if you’re honest with yourself, how attractive is yours on a scale of 1 to 10?

For most people, the answer is somewhere around 3 or 4. For others, it is even lower.

But how can you tell how attractive your home is? Here’s what to look at:

Overall Curb Appeal

Start by looking at the overall curb appeal. Is your home well-kept? Does it look nice from the road?

Usually, you can tell pretty quickly what it’s like. Are you always well-maintained? Is the cladding in one piece or is it falling off the walls? Is your lawn mown?

Checking these items off a list can be helpful in many situations. Often, you find that you can totally transform the way your home looks in an afternoon, boosting curb appeal and making it more likely that people will appreciate it (or want to buy it).


Next, you’ll want to think about cleanliness. It is possible to have an attractive home ruined by garbage outside.

Start by looking at your lawn and asking whether you’re keeping any junk on it. Look for options to improve the appearance of the outdoor areas by removing any trash that might be ruining things.

After that, check your driveway. Often, it can become covered in dirt and grime which makes it look darker than it really is underneath. Again, you’ll want to minimise this as much as possible with a pressure washer (if you have one).

Personal Touches

You can also use personal touches to make a home more attractive. Artwork, plants, unique pieces of furniture and so on can all add significant character to your spaces.

Of course, if you do add something personal, you want to do it in an organised way. Simply adding clutter to your home’s exterior isn’t usually the best policy. It can put people off and make it look messier than it should.


You also want to think about your roofline, something that many homeowners overlook when trying to enhance their home’s curb appeal. If it drops too low or dormer windows are missing where they should be, then that can affect the entire look of the home.

You can click here to find roofline services in your area. Professionals should be able to tell you whether you need to make modifications and what they might look like once complete.

Neighbourhood Appeal

The attractiveness of your home can also be influenced by its neighbourhood appeal. The better it looks in the surrounding area, the more likely it is to be perceived as pleasant, with parks, schools, and amenities.

Of course, there isn’t much you can do about the attractiveness of your neighbourhood without getting other people involved. That’s why many local areas have hubs or clubs where people work together to increase collective property valuations. Regular litter picks, community gardening, and street upgrades can all play a role in changing the perceptions of your home and making it more attractive.

Image: Pexels – CC0 License

