Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers 

By Glossy Magazine

Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers

 Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers 

Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers

The Manchester Grammar School is proud to announce that 32 of its pupils have received offers to study a diverse range of academic courses at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. This year, 19 pupils have secured offers from Cambridge and 13 from Oxford, reflecting their exceptional dedication and achievement.

The courses include Classics, Computer Science, English, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Japanese, Land Economy, Materials Science, Mathematics, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, Russian and Arabic, History, Medicine, and Natural Sciences.

The High Master at The Manchester Grammar School, Dr Martin Boulton, said: “The application process remains challenging and requires a high level of commitment; I would like to congratulate our pupils on their success, and thank our dedicated staff for all the work they have done in stretching these pupils well beyond the confines of the normal curriculum.”

Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers

School Captain for 2024-2025, Jack Rosenthal, has secured a place from St John’s College, Cambridge to study Modern & Medieval Languages. Jack spoke about his experiences of applying to Cambridge University: “Having visited various universities in both England and Scotland throughout year 12, I found myself drawn to the University of Cambridge; the splendour of this historic place was incomparable to any of the other towns and cities that I had visited. I was already aware of the rigorous nature of the Oxbridge application process, but even I was taken aback by just how intense and time-consuming this really was. Fortunately, the support offered to me by my form tutors, Head of College and subject teachers helped to make the journey as smooth as possible, and I will be forever grateful for their kind assistance. Although I considered a number of subject options, I, ultimately opted to read Modern and Medieval Languages – specifically, French and Italian (both of which I am currently studying at A-Level, alongside History) – because I believe that, despite the recent advancements in artificial intelligence and other forms of technology, the ability to converse on an international level will always be highly valued by the world’s best employers. Moreover, particularly at the University of Cambridge, my studies will go far beyond the language itself; the course includes a diverse range of topics, and we will be exploring the history, culture, philosophy, politics and values of the French- and Italian-speaking worlds.

Pupils from The Manchester Grammar School secure 32 Oxbridge offers

“Initially, I submitted my personal statement, and the rest of my application, through the UCAS website at the beginning of year 13. This was shortly followed by offers from my insurance universities, including Durham University. I was, then, invited to submit a Cambridge-specific application, where I had the option to write a short, supplementary personal statement. My online examination, and the subsequent interview, took place just before the end of the Michaelmas Term. A long wait began, with Cambridge not informing applicants of their success (or otherwise) until 30th January. Anyhow, the big day eventually arrived, and an anxious few hours, waiting to receive that email, ensued. The feeling that I experienced when I finally received my offer was emotional and, in many ways, overwhelming too. After having had the time to process the good news, I was able to turn my mind back towards securing top results in my upcoming A-Level examinations”.

Jack concluded by saying: “Despite the challenging nature of the UCAS process, I would urge my peers in Year 13 to be proud of the offers that they have received so far and, from this point on, to ensure that they do whatever it takes to obtain the grades needed to secure a place at their university of choice. We are all, unfortunately, going to have to say ‘farewell’ to the hallowed halls of The Manchester Grammar School in the near future, but I very much hope to see many of my friends and teachers at Old Mancunian events over the years and decades to come”.

Sitara Bartle Davies
The Manchester Grammar School

