Why Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have To Harm Your Quality Of Life

By Glossy Magazine

Why Hearing Loss Doesn't Have To Harm Your Quality Of Life

Why Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have To Harm Your Quality Of Life

Why Hearing Loss Doesn't Have To Harm Your Quality Of Life

Any new health diagnosis, disability, or condition is never easy to experience and adapt to, but it’s important not to lose heart or dismiss yourself simply because of this new normal. To share a rather general message of hope, there are millions of people around the world who sustain their quality of life not only despite their conditions but with them. You may experience one or two more difficulties or need to plan your days a little more soundly, but if you’re careful, and attentive and use all the tools at your disposal, a normal life can be led.

This is especially true for hearing loss. That’s because some degree of hearing loss is generally expected as we age, especially into our golden years where the inner ear hairs that help us remain sensitive to sound can atrophy. It’s understandable to feel unhappy about hearing loss (and you’re not silly for doing so), but let us share why this may not be quite as damaging to your quality of life as you had anticipated:

Health Aids Can Unlock Your Autonomy

Some people are apprehensive about wearing hearing aids, but soon learn that using these aids doesn’t mean giving up your independence – it actually helps you keep it. The technology behind hearing aids is better than ever, and many are so discreet and easy to use that you might forget you’re even wearing them. Moreover you can calibrate these as needed such as with springtime adjustments for hearing aids, which means you can relax despite the adjustment period after being prescribed them.

Hearing Loss Is More Socially Understood Than Ever Before

Disability awareness has come leaps and bounds in the last twenty years, but especially for hearing loss, as almost everyone knows someone (or is a degree of separation away from someone) who experiences it. As that awareness grows, so do the accommodations and respect for those with hearing difficulties. You’ll find that many people are more than willing to adjust, no matter if that means speaking a little louder, facing you when they talk, or using simple communication tools to make things easier. You can also show them how to do this and most worthwhile people will be happy to learn. If they’re not, well, you saved yourself some time.

Media, Entertainment & Content Is More Accommodating Than Ever

In 2024, there are so many ways to enjoy content that helps to provide for your hearing needs. Podcasts, for example, often come with transcripts, and many websites have articles or videos with accessible formats. Better yet, subtitles are almost everywhere now, from TV shows and movies to online videos and beyond. It’s considered off for them not to be present, except for in older media. This also works for streaming services, cinemas, and even live performances which often offer listening devices or captions depending on where you go.

With this advice, we hope you can see that hearing loss, while necessary to manage well, doesn’t have to harm your quality of life.

Image: Pexels – CC0 License

