Avoid Coming Off Worse After A Visit To The Doctor’s Office With These Safety Tips

By Glossy Magazine

Avoid Coming Off Worse After A Visit To The Doctor's Office With These Safety Tips

Avoid Coming Off Worse After A Visit To The Doctor’s Office With These Safety Tips

Avoid Coming Off Worse After A Visit To The Doctor's Office With These Safety Tips

If the last five years have taught us anything, it’s the fact that the places we go to get better can often end up making us far worse. During the outbreak of the pandemic, hospitals became significant danger zones for catching COVID-19, and doctor’s surgeries all but closed to walk-in patients for the same reason. And, while we’re luckily well past the worst of those fears, they tap into an ongoing issue – many people get sick when they visit the doctor or attend a hospital appointment.

Admittedly, this isn’t a new issue. Issues like hospital superbugs have been in existence for as long as modern hospitals. However, with the problem now at the forefront of public consciousness, many of us are questioning how we can stay safe and still get the help we need. After all, delaying diagnosis and treatment is never advisable, but you don’t want to catch anything else, either.

Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safe, and many of them are reassuringly familiar in a post-pandemic world. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

Choose Virtual Care Where Possible

The COVID-19 years introduced the possibility of virtual care, otherwise known as telemedicine. While this isn’t possible for all cases, minor maladies including viruses, infections, and so on, are now easily treatable via either a phone or video call. Technology has advanced so quickly in the health sphere that you can even upload pictures of a health complaint in advance of your appointment. It’s also possible to collect your prescription virtually via an online platform like Medino Pharmacy. Taking these steps can save you from ever having to set foot in potentially risky settings like a doctor’s office or in-person pharmacy, allowing you to focus on getting better without risking additional illness.

Avoid Germ Hotspots

A doctor will typically prefer to see you in person for issues that require a physical examination. It’s always advisable to attend an in-person appointment if your doctor has requested one, but you can stay safe regardless by always avoiding germ hotspots, such as waiting room magazines, toys, and pens. Experts also found that hospital and doctor’s surgery elevator buttons carry a significant risk of infection, with up to one-third of elevator buttons playing host to infections like MRSA. In instances where you can’t avoid touching germ hotspots, always wash your hands thoroughly, or use a hand sanitizer before touching anything else.

Keep Your Distance

Social distancing became standard practice throughout the pandemic, and it’s relevant in the doctor’s office, as well. Obviously, it’s difficult to achieve distance in a crowded waiting room, but you should aim to keep as much as six feet of distance where you can, just like during the COVID days. This distance ensures that you’re always avoiding close contact, which can significantly reduce your risks of picking up contagious bugs along the way. .

You should always contact your doctor if you have health concerns, but you can keep yourself safe even during an in-person appointment using these top tips.

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